Tag Archives: summer games

Olympics Playlist: Songs of Champions

I wonder what song is stuck in this swimmer’s head. (Image by sippakorn yamkasicorn, used under Creative Commons)

Last week’s opening ceremony, directed by filmmaker Danny Boyle (Trainspotting, Slumdog Millionaire), featured a playlist of British pop music– everything from the Clash, to Queen, to Adele. There were live performances from Paul McCartney, Arctic Monkeys, and other English icons. Keep the spirit of the Summer Games going with this Olympic-themed playlist. Listen up! You can hear the glory.

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Olympic History through Opening Ceremonies

1920 Antwerp Olympics

Athlete’s Oath in front of the Olympic flag (Image from time.com)

Following the end of the first World War, the Olympics were held in Antwerp, Belgium. The Central Powers of the recent war – Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, and the Ottoman Empire – were not permitted to attend; however, 29 countries competed in the 1920 Olympics. The torch did not yet exist, and the Olympics began with an Athlete’s Oath, where each competitor swore to obey the rules. The 1920 Olympic games saw the induction of the Olympic flag. It was composed of five different colored interlocking rings: red, yellow, blue, green, and black. This selection included at least one color from every nation’s flag, and it continues to be used today. Continue reading

Countdown to the Games: Is your tablet ready?

This is my default expression when dealing with app choices

This is my default expression when dealing with app choices

Only one day left until the Opening Ceremonies.

So far we’ve gotten your TV optimized, your sound system setup, and your cookbook prepped for the upcoming spectacle. But what about when you’re away from your couch? How can you keep your fever in check when you’re not glued to your flat screen TV?

Your best tablet or smart-phone of course.

Continue on past the break to find out what you need to make sure that on-the-go doesn’t mean un-plugged. Continue reading

Countdown to the Summer Games: Get Ready in the Kitchen

Endurance athletes often carbo-load the night before a big event.

They’ll eat a pasta dinner and fuel their bodies with energy that can be stored in the muscles. With the Summer Games starting in two days, it’s important, as a spectator, to also make nutritional preparations. While you may not need to follow a professional athlete’s diet, it’s a good idea to have some meals and snacks planned ahead that you can grab during the games.

Here are some recipes to keep you going during your viewing marathons. Continue reading

Countdown to the games: Audio Prep

Ready for the Opening Ceremony

The Opening Ceremony will begin at (as close as I can figure out from the morass of information out there, as well as being in MST) at 6:30 PM, July 27.

I plan to be glued to my seat. And my audio system.

If you’re just running sound from your top-rated flat screen TV, you’re missing out on one of the best parts of the summer games. As the crowd reaches a crescendo at the end of a race, or the silence breaks as the winning tennis shot is made, or the echoes reverberating through the swimming center, sound is the emotion of sport. You want to make sure the sound on your flat screen TV is up to snuff. Continue reading

Countdown to the games: is your TV ready?

Warming up

Athletes warm-up before a competition. Why aren’t you making sure your TV is warmed up before the games? (Photo by FaceMePLS. Used under Creative Commons.)

We’re less than four days away from the start of the Summer Games.

Athletes in top form (which is really all that we’ll be seeing for the next few weeks) all have warm-ups and rituals they do before competing, not only to get their muscles ready to go, but also to psych themselves up to get ready for the competition to come. They’re getting ready for the biggest performance of their lives.

It’s kind of the same way with your flat screen TV.

Sure you could just flip the TV on and start watching, but to make sure that it’s ready to give you the performance that an event of this magnitude deserves, I’ve compiled a few steps that you can take as sort of a pre-viewing warm-up. Continue reading

Choosing the best speakers (by national anthem)

Flag Medley

Image by Rose and Trev Clough. Used under Creative Commons.

Unless you live under a rock, there’s a pretty good chance you’ll be tuning in to some international athletic competition in the coming weeks. With hundreds of awards to be presented, you’ll no doubt be treated to a sizeable sampling of national anthems. This got us thinking: Which speakers are best for which anthems?

Using recent historical data, we chose the top anthems you’re likely to hear this year, and selected the best speakers for each that will maximize your listening experience.

So, without further ado, our top speaker picks (complete with a little trash talking), by country: Continue reading

Using Sports Mode on Your Digital Camera

Capture the action with sports mode! (Image by woodleywonderworks, used under Creative Commons)

The summer games in London are coming up next week, but you probably have your own summer games going on right now in your own backyard. Whether it’s an impromptu game of softball, the kids’ soccer tournament, or a race to the garage fridge to grab a cold beverage, there are probably some high-action moments you want to capture on camera. So switch your digital camera to sports mode and start shooting.

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